Tips for a Smooth Moving Experience If You’re Elderly or Disabled

Moving to a new residence is a stressful feat for anyone, but seniors and people with disabilities may face additional challenges. However, having the right strategy in place will result in smooth sailing for you and your loved ones. Addressing cost management, researching disability insurance, and hiring the right moving company will lift some of the added pressures that come with relocating.

Prepare for a bright new future by saving your time and energy with our helpful moving tips below.

Clearly Communicate a Future Plan

Whether you’re moving to a brand new solo apartment or an assisted living facility, creating a future plan with friends and loved ones is essential to your mental health and wellbeing. Have a conversation with those closest to you about your main goals when moving to a new place. For elderly seniors in need of aid, this may mean visiting local care homes in your desired area. Get to know the staff on hand and go through a check-list of your needs, wants, and maybes. If you are living with a disability that hinders movement, consider reaching out to friends and family to go over a moving strategy that will put your mind at ease. This may also entail contacting your Social Disability Insurance to notify them of your change of address, or phoning your private insurer or local disability service.

Map Out Your Future Space

When it comes to moving to a new place we all have our must-have lists. Be sure to address things like handrails, ramps, hallway widths, and countertop heights to suit your needs. Depending on your new residence, your landlord may be able to adjust certain variants for a more comfortable fit. If you have plans to make your own changes, contact your landlord before doing anything of greater permanence. In an ideal situation you can work as a team to create a space that is both functional and homey. Research your new neighborhood; are there local health services in proximity to your home? If emergency care facilities are on a list of your tops needs, be sure to investigate before settling on your new residence.

Ask For or Hire Help

Arguably the most helpful thing anyone can do when relocating is hire a moving company. With a plethora of services to choose from, a bit of research can aid you in finding the perfect company for your needs. Whether you’re googling for reviews or calling the company directly, check whether or not the company has experience working with senior patrons or people with disabilities. Organizations can assist in packing your belongings and sorting them out at your new location. Consider selecting a full-service moving company that will do all the heavy lifting – literally and figuratively – for you. Beware of anyone overcharging you for their services, and find out the average interstate and intrastate moving costs before accepting an offer.

Create a To-Do List

Creating a checklist of your to dos is empowering when taking on a large scale moving operation. This can include a list of things to do before moving, such as packing an overnight bag if you’ll arrive at your new place of residence before your belongings do, refilling your prescriptions if you’re relocating out of state, or contacting other people with disabilities in the area to get a feel of their daily life and struggles or triumphs. If organizing your belongings is troublesome on your own, reaching out to friends or family before the big day can be a huge help. Plan what will come with you and dispose of items that have become unnecessary; these simple things can lift the burden of packing everything all at once in your current home. A fresh start in a new place is a great opportunity to relinquish yourself of material things that are no longer of use.

Schedule Moving Day

Whether you’ve decided to hire a full-service mover or decided on a self-service option and enlisted the aid of loved ones, planning out moving day is sure to ease stress levels. If people close to you are helping out, create a series of lists for each person to clearly dictate what needs to be done to avoid chaos. If you’re a relocating senior, a long drive could be out of the question. Save on time and comfort by booking a flight instead. Revisit our list of tips to fend off moving frustrations; wherever you’re going, the future will be bright!


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