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seableholidays are now connected 6 years ago
seableholidays started the discussion Partial Sighted and VI tours in Thailand in the forum Thailand 6 years ago
Partial Sighted and VI tours in Thailand
we have taken a group of partially sighted and VI last year and here some great report, photos reviews and further outcomes from the great trip.
Hope you enjoy it!
seableholidays replied to the discussion Bridging the Gap: Living with Blindness and Enjoying a Vacation in the forum Travelers with Visual Impairments 6 years ago
Bridging the Gap: Living with Blindness and Enjoying a Vacation
Thanks for the tip in Japan,
We are thinking of taking groups there from 2020/2021, any help it’s much appreciated!
seableholidays started the discussion Bridging the Gap: Living with Blindness and Enjoying a Vacation in the forum Travelers with Visual Impairments 6 years ago
Bridging the Gap: Living with Blindness and Enjoying a Vacation
Loss of sight can be a difficult journey especially if the disability is relatively new. Visually impaired or blind people have to struggle with several coping mechanisms to make life easier for themselves. One of their biggest challenges is being able to move around independently without any helper and still feeling confident and safe. Most… Read more
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