Timisoara is European Capital of Culture 2023 !
“Why TimiÈ™oara?
Sometimes big changes start on street corners. In 1884, Timișoara was the first city on mainland Europe to have electric street lighting. In 1989, the sparks of the Revolution against Ceaușescu’s regime were ignited on the streets of Timișoara. In 2023, in the streets of Timișoara – European Capital of Culture we will spark a needed conversation about courage and tolerance.
For TimiÈ™oara 2023 comes with a challenge: Shine your light – Light up your city! We can illuminate the city together with our glowing curiosity, love of art and respect for diversity, our determination to take a step forward and take a stance for our common European values.”
Timisoara 2023 - European Capital of Culture awaits you!
When it comes to TimiÈ™oara, people agree that it is Different. Different as in open, brave and diverse. A city that has not shied away from being counter-current, becoming, in moments of grace, a current in itself. A city that … Continue reading