Memberryuk52109 started the discussion a few questions about living in Japan in the forum Japan 5 years ago
a few questions about living in Japan
Hi, I made a post a few months ago about travelling in Japan with a disability. Recently I spoke to a friend who went there (he loved it btw) and that got me wondering: 1. How old would you say is too old to plan to move over there?2. I have seen a lot of mixed thoughts about living there, some people (such as those in this forum) love… Read more
azaleeboy and
ryuk52109 are now connected 6 years ago
ryuk52109 replied to the discussion accessibility in several locations in the forum Japan 6 years ago
ryuk52109 replied to the discussion accessibility in several locations in the forum Japan 6 years ago
accessibility in several locations
Thanks, any info on J-world? It’s meant to be an in-door anime themepark or something of the sort.
ryuk52109 started the discussion accessibility in several locations in the forum Japan 6 years ago
accessibility in several locations
Hi, I was wondering-how accessible are J-world, Tokyo Disneyland/sea and the Ghibli Museum? I have always wanted to check them out and am curious. The site mentions Akihabara, but not these locations (unless I looked in the wrong section). Thanks in advance
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