Memberrepeats replied to the discussion Charging scooter batteries on the move. in the forum General Discussions 5 years ago
Charging scooter batteries on the move.
I have a scooter that I’ve never had to “top up” mid day if this is your issue, I also don’t use it every day which could be the difference.
chrystynlee and
repeats are now connected 5 years ago
What the hell is that for???
1 Commentall around us, it shows how little people know about what is means to be really accessible.
This is more a frustration issue, we flew south this past winter and at the airport woman at the desk questioned my scooter battery 2 times,she was putting it in the computer which must have been an airport system , but a 15 minute delay which I didn’t need, I now carry the scooter manual with me as a backup for info.
Ugh — I’m glad you came here to vent, though I’m sorry this came up in the first place. Thanks for sharing the great advice of bringing the manual with you when traveling.
Great point about the manual!
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