MemberThe flying with a disability group is here to ensure that all those living with a disability can... View more
A group for people who travel with assistance animals to discuss tips, tricks, and how their... View more
Why spend more?! If you know of a good deal on accessible travel, share it with the group!
This is a place to say ”Hi!” to your fellow travelers and introduce yourself. Tell people where you... View more
Join our global discussion group on accessible travel! Connect, share experiences, and exchange tips... View more
The right equipment can change drastically the way you travel. So let’s share here anything we consider... View more
While a picture is worth a thousand words, videos are worth a million!
Share videos about... View moreShare and discuss news articles related to accessibility, disability, accessible travel etc…
Welcome to Accessible Cruises, dedicated to enabling incredible cruise ship experiences for those... View more
Get angry, or just laugh at the stupidity. Share accessibility fails here. Links, pics, or even a story!
Ask questions about traveling with your wheelchair or scooter, and share information about devices... View more
Whether you are using a train to get around, or if you love heritage railways and locomotives, come... View more
Share pictures, videos, and information about your adventures in the great (accessible) outdoors!
Share about accessible beaches around the world or work together to help make your local beach... View more
Have you been impressed with accessibility when traveling? Was it so great that you couldn’t resist... View more
Share your latest blog entry about accessible travel, or see what others are writing about!
A place to discuss studying abroad and international exchange with a disability.