• Hi i am going to Osaka in September. I have minor walking disability and my aging parents.
    1. I will get wheelchair once i landed
    2. Want to know where can i get helped with Lifting Luggage into to trolley to take me to see the Local driver i hired.

    3. There are many third party agent e.g. Airassist….. which caused almost 700USD. Are they fraud?

    • Tak (edited)


      I think the airport staff will help you take your baggage off the turntable and put it on a trolley at the airport.
      From there to the driver…why not just have the driver come to the gate to pick you up?
      Have you already arranged for a wheelchair?
      In Japan, renting a wheelchair “outside the airport” is more difficult than you… Read more

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    • I think everyone covered it pretty much, but essentially airline/airport staff will see you through most of the process (getting your wheelchair, getting bags, getting to customs) if you need it. I have had staff help put stuff on a trolley but I’m not sure I can say they will *for sure*. If you have a driver, they usually meet you after you…

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