MemberJosh Grisdale replied to the discussion Japanese Attitude Towards The Disabled in the forum Japan 6 years ago
Japanese Attitude Towards The Disabled
Also @mowhoa
Accessible Japan started the discussion Accessible Travel vlogger on Japan's food desert in the forum Japan 6 years ago
Accessible Travel vlogger on Japan's food desert
Was watching the vlog of YouTuber Accessible Dreams (who is @mowhoa on this site) and really loved how she summed up finding accessible restaurants in Japan: as food desert.
While we have covered how to find accessible restaurants in… Read more
tabifolk started the discussion YouTuber travel vlogger with chronic pain in the forum Traveling with Chronic Pain / Illness 6 years ago
YouTuber travel vlogger with chronic pain
For everyone out there who has both chronic pain and the travel bug, I highly suggest you check out @mowhoa and her YouTube channel: Accessible Dreams
You can also follow her on our site here!