MemberMiykael replied to the discussion How did Josh do it? in the forum Japan 7 years ago
Thanks for the reply! I understand a bit more now. Thank you for explaining the process. So I would definitely need a friend or family member to help me for about 6 months. I see. That’s understandable. If you don’t mind me asking, what prefecture do you live in. I ask because it seems like they have good benefits. I understand if you don’t… Read more
Miykael replied to the discussion How do you survive the long flight to Japan if you're paralyzed? in the forum Japan 7 years ago
How do you survive the long flight to Japan if you're paralyzed?
Thanks for the replies. I guess I could fly from Georgia to California first, then from California to Japan. That would almost split the trip in half. I could also bring my wheelchair cushion with me. I would still have to do pressure reliefs though. The only way that I can think of is to either lean forward and touch my toes, or to lean… Read more
Miykael started the discussion How do you survive the long flight to Japan if you're paralyzed? in the forum Japan 7 years ago
How do you survive the long flight to Japan if you're paralyzed?
I would love to fly to Japan, but the flight alone would be 18 hours! I’ve never flown before, but I’ve heard that you can’t sit in your wheelchair and that you have to sit in a regular seat. i don’t know how that would be possible for me if the flight last for hours on end. When I am in my wheelchair, I have to lean back to provide… Read more
Miykael started the discussion How did Josh do it? in the forum Japan 7 years ago
I saw Josh on the “Life where I’m from” youtube video and I was amazed! He lives, works, and receives medical services that are paid for by insurance through the government in Japan. That has been my dream for the last seven years, but I never thought it was possible. Are there any videos or blog entries that talk about how he did it?