MemberJR Pass - Shinkansen wheelchair reserved seat
I have a feeling even if you go early it won’t matter if the accessible booking office isn’t open as they don’t make the decision at the Midori no Madoguchi, but the staff calls the other office. So if it isn’t open…
So you are not using JR Pass but just buying the tickets? If you are using the Tokaido Line (ie Tokyo-Kyoto-Osaka) then you can…
What was your WORST flight experience?
View more commentsOn a flight from LAX to SJC, I ended up being separated from the group I was traveling with. It was my first time flying with a group, and I forgot to mention that we all needed to be at the gate together. As a result, everyone arrived at the gate individually. Since we hadn’t traveled to the airport together, I boarded first as usual, and my…
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Not sure about worst (although there was a time on Thai Airlines where we seemed to drop about 3,000 metres in a matter of seconds which really put the cat amongst the pigeons) but best flight was definitely a red eye from Oman to London. Plane was practically empty and I had the entire back five rows to myself. Slept like a baby and…
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