Liz kieran
MemberManchester Albert Hall fail
I attended this venue a few weeks ago to watch Billy Talent (absolutely amazing band btw!) and hubby booked accessible tickets as always.
We get to the venue, go to the front as we are always told to do, to find out that there was a step into the venue but no ramp, events though we clearly stated on the email…
Patty and Josh Grisdale4 CommentsThat is horrible! Just shows that communication is the essential first step towards accessibility. I hope they learned that and your pain wasn’t in vain. Also, I trust your scooter was ok?
Billie Talent from Canada?!
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Weston park Museum address one of the very free places in Sheffield to have installed Adult changing facilities
I recently went to Glasgow to see Green Day perform and came across a fully accessible toilet by a charity called Pamiloo!
Owned by Pamis, they have converted a horse box into a loo with a hoist, adult changing facilities and room for those with neurodivergent diagnosis to go and have a break. It’s all been done by public funding to…
Awesome! Any pictures?
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