MemberAccessible Japan replied to the discussion Kyoto – accessible tour and geiko experience in the forum Japan 5 years ago
Kyoto - accessible tour and geiko experience
Thanks for the great info – he looks perfect! Adding him to my list 🙂
Accessible Japan replied to the discussion Kyoto – accessible tour and geiko experience in the forum Japan 5 years ago
Kyoto - accessible tour and geiko experience
Hi again,
Sorry, called the maiko place but they had already closed. Will try again in the morning.
Here is the link for the accessible kimonos:
Accessible Japan replied to the discussion Travel Japan 101 – Help in the forum Japan 5 years ago
Most places are open Sunday, often museums/art galleries etc close on the following Monday instead.
I prefer Haneda, but it likely depends on your hotel location.
Accessible Japan and TAKESHI are now connected 5 years ago
Accessible Japan replied to the discussion Kyoto – accessible tour and geiko experience in the forum Japan 5 years ago
Kyoto - accessible tour and geiko experience
The kimonos are done by a lady I know. She sends it to your hotel by courier and you send it back when done. I think it is a few days. Should I contact her to ask?
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