

My muscles, especially my thighs were left permanently damaged after my Statins poisoned me giving me Rhabdomyolysis. I also have Congestive Heart Failure so get very SOB on doing just about anything, now also have an IBD called Microscopic Colitis sort of like Crohn’s

Mobility Device

I use a Travelscoot to get around outside and a Walker inside my home, sometimes if the distance is small will also use my walker say if I can park right outside and short walk in. Also use a walking stick.

About me

Hi my name is Heather and I am a nearly 80 yr old Kiwi, living in on the beautiful North Shore of Auckland, New Zealand. I am an amateur Genealogist researching my & hubby’s ancestors which takes me all over the world on a map, sadly can’t travel far as Insurance is hard to get. I have had CHF since 2003 so get very SOB on doing anything at all. I was also Paralysed by my Statins in 2011 which gave me Rhabdomyolysis leaving my thigh muscles permanently damaged, also my upper arms, they get sore and ache on just a walk say around the supermarket, hence my Travelscoot was my lifesaver in that respect. I am completely mobile, just get very tired, fatigued etc doing anything at all. I also now have IBD since 2022 which is very hard to control so I don’t go out very much these days.

Current Location

North Shore, Auckland, New Zealand

Places Visited

Since using my Travelscoot I have flown to Australia, been on several Cruise ships, travelled by car all over NZ, it can go on Buses, Trains, Planes, Ferry’s just like a wheelchair. It is very light so easy to lift into the boot of a car, or it can be broken down and folded even smaller. It gave me my life back really.

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