MemberDo and hotels in Japan have Hoists?
I was just wondering if any hotels at all have hoists available to help with transfers into bed etc?
I would love to come back to Japan, I was there in 2019, however my ability to transfer has unfortunately deteriorated in the last few years.
astrogrrl replied to the discussion Trip to Japan in March in the forum Japan 5 years ago
We are in Takayama right now but having trouble finding a wheelchair accessible way to get to Shirakawa Go. Buses are a no go as you have to get out of wheelchair. Does anyone know if there is a wheelchair taxi.
astrogrrl started the discussion What is the procedure for getting the rugular trains in the forum Japan 6 years ago
What is the procedure for getting the rugular trains
I was hoping to get to Ueno today from Shinjuku, but yesterday when I went to Ikebukuro I was left waiting for ages before someone came got me. I wonder if I asked at the right place or not. Where am I meant to go to get help organising the ramps?
astrogrrl replied to the discussion JR Rail Pass and Reserved Seating in the forum Japan 6 years ago
JR Rail Pass and Reserved Seating
[quote quote=8332]When you got your JR Pass, was there any documentation that came with it? If so, was there any information for wheelchair users?
Where did you buy it? They should have warned you about the Green Tickets.
We just got them through the travel agent. So are the green tickets meant to be the better tickets. Was a bit… Read more
astrogrrl started the discussion We have arrived in Japan! in the forum Japan 6 years ago
I wanted to thank everyone who has replied and help with information while I was trying to plan this dream holiday to Japan.
We are finally here! The flight was long and painful for me – I do not do well when out of my wheelchair.
Coming from Australia and traveling with Qantas, I was able to use the eagle lift to get in to my seat on the… Read more
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