Wheelchair repair/rental in Tokio
Oh dear! What is the brand?
Maybe @ohayotravel can help?
Wheelchair repair/rental in Tokio
My name is Maria Jose, and I am a wheelchair user. I am traveling through Japan for a couple of weeks, and my wheelchair just broke.
Is there anyone who knows where I could possibly find a repair shop or at least a place to rent a wheelchair for the rest of my stay?
Thank you.
Recommend transport service for Osaka
I have used @ohayotravel and was very happy with them.
I impressed your challenge
It may help, but I don’t have information about this group
Please try to ask them
And pls be careful your health
Cruise lines and wheelchair accessibility
Very curious about your experiences. One, how did you find a travel assistant and can you elaborate on those arrangements?
Two, it sounds like on both of the above trips, you mainly stayed on board and watched the scenery from the ships? Is this the case or did I misunderstand? Thank you
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