MemberI posted this elsewhere on a discussion about buses, but for completeness I will repost it here.  We found that buses are frequent in Brussels and had a mostly positive experience.  We didn’t try the metro because you have to pre-book for assistance and we wanted more flexibility.
As for easy boarding/getting off, we were 2 for 3 on the… Read more
Toilets are hard to find at the best of times in Brussels. Â For wheelchair users this is made even more difficult because many restaurants and coffee shops in the tourist centre core have a step up to get in. Â Here are a few wheelchair accessible toilets we found last weekend.
1.Hotel Amigo
A posh hotel only a couple of minutes walk from the… Read more
I am also on the lookout for accessible toilets in Brussels, but public toilets in general are few and far between (or just difficult to spot!).
Here is one that stood out  with a wheelchair mark near the square of Sainte-Catherine.  You need to put in a few coins to use it.
This area is a kilometre or so from the Grand Palace touristy area,… Read more
I saw this sign near my hotel in Brussels (nice big letters in the window so it is hard to miss!). Â It seems that this organization is a lobbying group for the EU. Â Hopefully they are making headway! Â
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