Accessible Japan
MemberAre you passionate about photography? We understand that capturing memories through pictures is a significant aspect of travel. Recently, a member suggested creating a group dedicated to sharing photographs, and we’ve decided to go ahead with it! Join “Worldwide Wheelchair Photographers” today and share your travel snaps from around the…
Photography is such a great way to appreciate other cultures and places. I’ll have to dig through my archives – I’ve taken some travel pics over the years that I’d love to share. Cool idea to connect visually with other travelers.
How about a little fun? Let’s play a game where you tell us something that your country is famous for – be it something cultural, or a special food or drink, and we’ll guess from the information you’ve provided where you’re from!
For some bonus points, if your region is also famous for something let us know and we’ll try to guess where you are…
View more commentsSushi and samurai
Baseball and apple pie! In my region, we’re known for the Mouse.
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