Let’s make change happen in the tourism industry

The Accessible & Inclusive Tourism Conference in Asia-Pacific (AITCAP) is building its inaugural success and coming back in May 2022.

AITCAP was established to help the tourism industry understand and cater to the fast-growing, under-served market of travellers with mobility, hearing, vision and other accessibility needs. It also showcases accessible & inclusive destinations for travellers to discover in the Asia-Pacific region.

The virtual format allows for maximum accessibility of content for everybody and from everywhere. Emphasis was placed on offering numerous opportunities to connect attendees and speakers with networking opportunities, Q&A features and a community platform for ongoing conversation.

This year, we even get an opportunity to meet face-to-face, as the AITCAP team will organise 2 physical panel discussions at ATSA Independent Living Expo in Sydney on May 26.

The Conference lines up more than 50 speakers working in the tourism and travel industry, including: tourism providers in all sectors, travel agents, destination marketing organisation directors, paralympians, accessibility and inclusion specialists, as well as travellers and their travelling companions. Together they provide advice, resources and support for tourism businesses wanting to cater to travellers with accessibility needs and for travellers wanting to go out and about.

As Yasmine Gray, GetAboutAble’s founder and AITCAP’s organiser, herself an experienced wheelchair traveller, says: “The accessible and inclusive tourism market is both far bigger and easier to attract than many imagine. With the industry looking at ways to attract new income streams into the future, I urge everybody to consider the simple fact that 20% of people travel with some form of disability.

In 2022, the Conference will take place over 4 days: the 17th, 19th, 24th and 26th. Each day has a theme that is explored over 2 to 3 hours of content, with panel discussions, masterclasses and keynotes.

For more details and to register go to www.getaboutable.com/aitcap


  1. I am so excited for AITCAP 2022!  I was a speaker on a panel discussion at the first one and made so many new friends in the industry.  In fact, it was through the conference that I found out about KultureCity.  The company I work for is now going to be the first facility in Asia to be certified via their autism-friendly certification program!

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