United Kingdom
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UK Government Proposes Update of Disability Equipment protections.
UK Government Proposes Update of Disability Equipment protections.
In the end of January it was announced that the UK Government is proposing an update, as part of various aviation changes, to increase Disability Equipment protections for those flying in domestic flights. Currently such equipment is treated as baggage and in turn limits the required payout in instances of damage or loss, an amount that often won’t cover the cost of repair or replacement.
The proposed changes may allow for airline customers with disability equipment to receive enough funds to cover the repair/replacement of their mishandled gear without having to take the airline to court. In the US we have had similar laws in place for some time now, and I can say that if they weren’t there I would be more apprehensive to flying. Having my necessary mobility equipment damaged or lost with no way to get a new one unless I go into debt is a massive risk. Not to mention that when the laws went into place, the airlines began treating equipment with more care. I’ve said something similar before, but would an average airline customer find it acceptable to have their legs broken by an airline only for them to pay you some pocket change? No, I don’t think they would.
I’m glad to see changes like this proposal that advocate for fair treatment of people with disabilities (and yes, by extension their equipment). I hope soon that the UK passes this or similar laws that will make traveling for those with disabilities a more welcoming mode of transportation.
For additional information: https://www.disabilitynewsservice.com/government-proposals-could-make-air-travel-easier-for-disabled-passengers/
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