United Kingdom
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Josh Grisdale replied to the discussion UK Government Proposes Update of Disability Equipment protections. in the forum UK 2 years ago
UK Government Proposes Update of Disability Equipment protections.
I’d be worried about a game of “not our fault” hot potato…
But, either way, glad to see there are more laws being written to deal with this very real problem.
schroth-sensei replied to the discussion UK Government Proposes Update of Disability Equipment protections. in the forum UK 2 years ago
UK Government Proposes Update of Disability Equipment protections.
When it comes to US flights, I believe if you set up a trip from the US to another country and the round trip back to the US, then both flights in this case are considered as doing business with the US and are required to follow their laws in terms of damages. Although I’m not sure if round-trip is explicitly required or if it just has to have…
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