Wheelchair Accesible in Palma de Mallorca Airport
Wheelchair Accesible in Palma de Mallorca Airport
Greetings from Mallorca.
I can say that Palma de Mallorca Airport is 100% accessible.
It has recently been refurbished (only 2 months ago) and is equipped with toilets, cabins, accesses, ramps, helpers so that there are no limitations.
In addition, the city of Palma (capital of Mallorca) is also quite adapted. Hotels must comply with these regulations.
Some beaches, such as Palma or Playa de Arenal, are also accessible via ramps and wooden walkways.This made me remember that I must extend the information of my post about the Airport of Palma. There are some curious data that I share with you. https://89transfers.com/blog/palma-de-majorca-airport-pmi/
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PS: If you have any related questions, I will be happy to help you.
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