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Looking to travel to Japan and need accessibility information? Join our group discussion on accessible travel in Japan and discover the best tips and tricks.
The Japan group is a community of travelers who are passionate about exploring Japan and sharing their experiences with others. This group is dedicated to discussing all aspects of accessible travel in Japan, including accommodations, transportation, tourist attractions, and cultural experiences, as well as links to accessible travel companies and organizations.
Whether you have been here a million times or planning your first visit, the Japan group is a welcoming community that offers support and encouragement for travelers of all abilities. By sharing their experiences and knowledge, members of the group are helping to make travel in Japan more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
Wheelchair taxi
Wheelchair taxi
Posted by AnhJon on October 26, 2023 at 10:51 amSo I tried getting a wc taxi at the taxi stand at Kyoto station. It was a frustrating experience…the taxi staff was not helpful. Waited at the Taxi #2 Friendly Cab area was useless as well.
What is the best way to order a wc taxi? The Taxi GO app requires a Japan # to sign up.
Joyce Yin replied 1 year, 1 month ago 4 Members · 12 Replies- 12 Replies
There are options for hiring a lift-equipped wheelchair taxi, but they tend to require advanced booking blocking off a few hours.
You can try:
I’ll ask around, but yes the GO app does require a Japanese number for account verification purposes…
Did you try a JpnTaxi (looks like a London cab)? May I ask what type of wheelchair you use?
Also, did you upload two images? They didn’t seem to work… maybe you pushed “post” before they uploaded?
@joshgrisdale Hi Josh,
My name is Joyce. I also have CP and live in CA. Thinking to travel to Japan one day, so gathering information.
Is the info you posted here the only info you have for power wheelchair accessible transport in Japan?
Hi Joyce
Those are the options I know about in the Kyoto area, but there are options in other cities as well.
Perhaps you can start a new discussion with the places you want to go etc and we can find a solution for you!
Hi Josh,
I read your Japanese taxi review and also have a larger than average WC- which is tough to fit into a small car… Joy.
Please may I have your advice?
I’d really like to buy/ import a Japanese kei van that has enough headroom AND could actually have me sit upfront rather than in the back.
Have you any suggestions on which cars or vans might be suitable or you’ve successfully been in?
I’m struggling to find one, if any that could accommodate 115cm chair height and be up front.
Grateful for your thoughts.
Hi Gill
Sounds like quite a challenge! Can you maybe start a new discussion topic in the “Discussions” tab so we can start a thread focused on it?
Thanks for your reply. I see. I actually decided to consider Japan in the future. Thanks for your help though. We’ll stay in touch!
There is another app called S.Ride. You might want to try that one to see if you can register.
JapanTaxi’s are supposedly designed to be “for everyone” but they were based on a small manual wheelchair design. This means power wheelchairs may have difficulty fitting in. For example, I use an Invacare RX40 and the only way to get in is to take off my headrest and sit facing sideways. It takes up all 3 back row seats and the only spot left is the front passenger seat, so, you cannot go with more than one person.
You could ask your hotel to call one (be sure to specify a “JapanTaxi”) maybe…
Thanks for these info and tips. This morning I requested hotel staff at Ala Hotel to call a wc taxi…staff informed me that he called several taxi companies and all didn’t have an ETA to give me a ride.
Regarding wc, all the locals I’ve seen using a wc all have very light and narrow wc. The ones with power wc appears to be a modified manual wc with a motor…very basic. I wonder how far can the wc go on a single charge. I’ve been avg about 15 miles per day with half power (yellow zone) when returning to the hotel.
Here I am traveling in what may appear to be a huge American size power wc (Permobil M3) with a backpack and bags over hanging on the side (this is how I normally travel in the States).
Yes, the Japanese wheelchairs are certainly built for the environment. I think they get about 15kg.
Hope you can get a system in place 😥
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