Accessible Taxis or tours in Okinawa

  • Accessible Taxis or tours in Okinawa

    Posted by Deb on October 28, 2023 at 1:22 pm

    I have had great success with two taxi services that have helped us create private tours for a couple of ports on our cruise here in Japan . I have been trying for some time to find the name of an accessible/ care taxi in Okinawa but have had no luck – even with the site identified as what to use for disability travel in Okinawa!

    Does anyone have any ideas? Or in Nagasaki?

    All ideas are appreciated, thanks.


    Josh Grisdale replied 10 months, 2 weeks ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Josh Grisdale

    October 28, 2023 at 1:56 pm


    Are you looking for just basic transportation or someone to guide you on a “tour”?

    Which island in Okinawa? The main island, Miyako or Ishigaki?

  • Deb

    October 28, 2023 at 2:19 pm

    It looks like we dock in Naha in the 31st. I’m looking for a brief highlight type your, not simple transportation the sights/ locations to visit are flexible – we have about 4 hour time frame. My son’s chair is a Permobil 3000 and is a sizeable chair!

  • Josh Grisdale

    October 29, 2023 at 2:29 pm

    31st of October? Like in 2 days?

    Have you tried this place?

  • Deb

    October 29, 2023 at 4:41 pm

    Yes – I had Ben in touch with them after some back and forth – they were able to give me one connection but the van was too small for his chair – so we’ll keep looking!

  • Josh Grisdale

    October 29, 2023 at 5:24 pm

    This place might work, but possibly to small… can your son’s wheelchair tilt back if it is too tall?

    This place has nice big taxis, but no English…

    Here is another, but again, Japanese…

    Perhaps the tour center can contact these places on your behalf?

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