Group Description
Looking to travel to Japan and need accessibility information? Join our group discussion on accessible travel in Japan and discover the best tips and tricks.
The Japan group is a community of travelers who are passionate about exploring Japan and sharing their experiences with others. This group is dedicated to discussing all aspects of accessible travel in Japan, including accommodations, transportation, tourist attractions, and cultural experiences, as well as links to accessible travel companies and organizations.
Whether you have been here a million times or planning your first visit, the Japan group is a welcoming community that offers support and encouragement for travelers of all abilities. By sharing their experiences and knowledge, members of the group are helping to make travel in Japan more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
Reply To: Mobility Scooter – battery charging
Hi Ali:
I agree with Joan that the charger MUST say that it will work with 100 volts. If it is an UK only model , ie it is 230 ( or 240 volts) volts it will not charge your batteries in Japan. If it is an international model it will likely work.
See if you can post a picture of the charger information plate in the forum. We can tell for sure.
You will also need a mechanical converter for your plug or a different line cord, of course. Japan uses a small (compared to the UK!) two prong non polarized plug.
There is potentially a further problem. Many airlines will give you a problem with deep cycle batteries. They may require gell batteries. These are batteries where the liquid electrolyte is a gelled electrolyte that will not spill if the battery is broken open. Some airlines will accept liquid electrolyte but will remove the batteries and double bag them.