Reply To: Disabled Veteran Unable to Attend AnimeJapan 2019

  • bobp

    March 15, 2019 at 9:27 am

    I did some research on firearms and weapons in Japan and you are correct about pistols and rifles. But I would like to pass on to you, @AccessibleJapan and others also that it is recommended for those traveling to Japan to not carry any kind of blades at all (even multitools) out of an abundance of caution due to different interpretations by local law authorities to stay out of trouble. And it is also recommended that any blades bought in Japan be properly packaged by the store it was purchased from and to not open the package until you are out of Japan. So if something is needed by the disabled traveler in Japan to cut things, stick to reasonably sized scissors, preferably safety ones. And leave any kitchen or dining knives in the kitchens or restaurants you use them at. I thought this might be helpful advice to share.



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