Reply To: Travel Japan 101 – Help

  • Accessible Japan

    January 16, 2019 at 5:24 pm


    First of all, rainy season is from mid-June, so you should be fine.

    For getting from the airport to your hotel, taking suitcases and pushing a wheelchair on the train will be difficult, so you may want to talk to @wilgo about an accessible taxi.  Depending on your arrival time, you could be able to send your suitcases to the hotel with same-day courier services.

    For transporting suitcases between cities, if you don’t want to take everything with you on the train, you can take necessities and send your bags ahead by courier.

    If you plan to visit Hiroshima as well, you should get the JR Pass.

    A lot of the places you list are accessible, but if we put them all in this thread it will get jumbled.  So, perhaps start a thread for each place you want to visit, and we can reply there. That may help some of the confusion.

    Don’t worry, we’re here to help!

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