Group Description
Looking to travel to Japan and need accessibility information? Join our group discussion on accessible travel in Japan and discover the best tips and tricks.
The Japan group is a community of travelers who are passionate about exploring Japan and sharing their experiences with others. This group is dedicated to discussing all aspects of accessible travel in Japan, including accommodations, transportation, tourist attractions, and cultural experiences, as well as links to accessible travel companies and organizations.
Whether you have been here a million times or planning your first visit, the Japan group is a welcoming community that offers support and encouragement for travelers of all abilities. By sharing their experiences and knowledge, members of the group are helping to make travel in Japan more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.
Reply To: Disabled Veteran Unable to Attend AnimeJapan 2019
Thanks for the info. I have an electronics degree so I will be checking my charger more thoroughly when I get a chance.
I would appreciate the info about renting a scooter there too. It might just make everything simpler. It would be even better if you could help me find a tour agency that would still work with me if I rented one.
I tried working with Inside Japan Tours. They only have individual tours for persons with disabilities right now. They mentioned Accessible Tours but have no idea yet when they are going to implement them. If you think IJT or any other agency would work with me if I rented my own sccoter and got someone from the place you mentioned, let me know.
Here I only have a housekeeper/caregiver that comes once a week for 5 hours. So I do not have a care assistant I can bring. My family and friends are pretty busy with their lives but I am Early Retired/Disabled so I am pretty flexible in what I can do.
My main problems there would be my luggage and arranging scooter compatible transportation. Since airports and most lodging can help with luggage that might not be so much of a problem because then I only need to find a way to carry my insulin/medicine bag during touring. So in some ways I do not need a care assistant but with the attitudes I have seen at tour agencies one seems more necessary. And I think a care assistant would probably be really helpful if I decided to do something on my own. So please help me get in touch with that place you mentioned.
I will keep posting what I find out here because I am sure there are other Otaku in the same boat that have just given up mostly. So please post here also any info you get for me.