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  • Profile photo of 8Boru

    8Boru replied to the discussion Airplane transfer question in the forum Japan 3 months ago

    3 months ago

    Reply to Airplane transfer question

    I weigh 52kg so they used a portable sling under me to lift me. It was a good experience in Japan. Although I had to bring my own sling. Idk if they’ve a hoist in airport

  • Airplane transfer question

    Does anyone know how they transfer you from your seat to wheelchair if you cannot weight bear im 6 ft and about 120kg so lifting might be hard but was curious as i do want to visit japan, i have only ever been to airports that have had a hoist. also have called the airport and airline but they don’t seem to give a straight answer . all i know…

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  • Question! For everyone has been to Japan, to help those planning to go to Japan, what is one thing you wish you had known before your trip?

    Maybe there is something you wish you brought, or something to be aware of when booking a hotel, or…

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    nadz, Stephane DEFREYNE and 3 others
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    • How much walking/ rolling we would be doing. Next time my husband will get good quality gloves (he is a manual wheelchair user) to protect his hands.

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    • When booking a hotel room triple check that they have reserved your disabled room . Do it constantly leading up to your trip .Contact the hotel direct to check even if you have booked through an agent. Ask for photos of the room to satisfy your needs . I speak with experience as we booked the Kimpton Tokyo .They only have one disabled room.…

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      Oh noooo
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  • Profile photo of Nick

    Nick replied to the discussion Haneda to hotel in the forum Japan 3 months ago

    3 months ago

    Reply to Haneda to hotel

    We used Wilgo transport . Jun is such a nice guy. He has a wheelchair accessible vehicle that has a ramp that the person can just wheel straight on the vehicle and room for suitcases as well . As with Japan it’s expensive for private hire but worth the extra cost just to have total peace of mind. After all it’s a holiday so enjoy.

  • Profile photo of MsChanChan

    MsChanChan replied to the discussion Haneda to hotel in the forum Japan 3 months ago

    3 months ago

    Reply to Haneda to hotel

    You may consider sending your suitcases from airport to hotel directly. They may arrive on the same day or next day. Check “baggage delivery service” in Haneda’s website.

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