Accessible UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Asia

  • Accessible UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Asia

    Posted by accessibleindonesia on November 3, 2018 at 4:30 pm

    I like to introduce some UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Indonesia and tell you how accessible they are.

    Lets start with an intangible one, the Subak system of cooperative water management in Bali. Dating back to the 9th century, democratic and egalitarian distribution of water for farming is organised in a complicated system of rice terraces, canals and water temples, the Subak system. It brings together the realms of the spirit, the human world and nature, and has enabled the Balinese to become the most prolific rice growers in the Indonesian archipelago. (

    Visitors can see rice terraces and water temples everywhere in Bali.

    Wheelchair accessible (although not all parts) is Taman Ayun Temple and the rice terraces of Jatiluwih, both parts of the Unesco Heritage site. At Taman A20180919_160855yun several ramps have been installed, as well as a wheelchair accessible restroom. At Jatiluwih, a newly paved path leads into the rice terraces for an amazing view over the large valley.

    Very much worth a visit!

    Unknown Member replied 5 years, 9 months ago 4 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • azaleeboy

    November 3, 2018 at 4:40 pm

    That is such great info!  Knowing history and culture helps you to appreciate a place even more.

    Do you offer customized trips for shorter lengths as well?

  • accessibleindonesia

    November 3, 2018 at 4:51 pm

    Thanks! Yes our guests can create their own tour, pick their day trips in Bali and elsewhere in Indonesia!

  • azaleeboy

    November 5, 2018 at 11:16 am

    Is there public transportation available in Bali for wheelchair users?

  • accessibleindonesia

    November 5, 2018 at 12:49 pm

    Hi! No, sadly there is no public transportation for wheelchair users in Bali.


  • azaleeboy

    November 5, 2018 at 12:54 pm

    So, you havean adapted van?

  • accessibleindonesia

    November 5, 2018 at 12:59 pm

    Yes thats right. One with hydraulic lift and several with portable ramps.

  • accessibleindonesia

    November 10, 2018 at 4:02 pm

    Hi!  Another UNESCO World Heritage site in Indonesia, this time in Java: The amazingly beautiful Hindu temple Prambanan. It was built in the 10th century and is dedicated to Shiva.

    ACCESS: The extensive Prambanan park is easy accessible. The Conservation and Park Agency is very supportive and permits us to use our vehicles inside the area, thus avoiding long walking distances. The Prambanan Temple can be observed from many angles. Dwi advocacy sept 18x

    AI K jan17 prambanan 3 - Copy

    To get up onto Prambanan’s central courtyard, a set of rather steep stairs without need to be overcome. So far, no ramp is available, but we are in good hope this will change in the near future. We keep lobbying for it! Very unfortunately, a stair-free back entrance has recently been closed and cannot be used by wheelchair users anymore.

    Once on the central courtyard it is easy to stroll around between the impressive temple buildings towering above the visitor. Visitors with visual impairment are allowed to palpate the reliefs with gloves

    Very very worth a visit!

    Your AccessibleIndonesia Team

  • tabifolk

    November 10, 2018 at 4:06 pm

    That is so beautiful!

  • accessibleindonesia

    March 26, 2019 at 12:52 pm

    Indonesia has a number of amazing UNESCO World Heritage Sites! Here is another one of them: In Sulawesi, in the very south of the big island, lies the village of Tanah Beru. The knowledge of the people here about boat building has been recognized as a World Heritage in 2018. The inhabitants of Tanah Beru and other villages in the area have been building huge schooners for centuries, using complex patterns they have in mind, not paper. This knowledge is passed on from generation to generation. If you drive to these places, you will find shipbuilding along the shore, on the beach with the villages just behind. Although power tools are used nowadays, the principle and patterns are still the same, blended with traditional ceremonies for each step to ensure happiness and prosperity for owners and builders. People like to explain what they are doing, and we make sure you get a fresh seafood meal prepared by the villagers. 🙂20170520_171805x20170521_133127xxtana beru pinisq

  • Unknown Member

    June 14, 2019 at 1:48 am

    I have yet to go to Indonesia. Good to know that the destinations that have caught my attention are accessible though. The photos are lovely. Thank you all for sharing.

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