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Posted by emilie on October 20, 2017 at 5:59 pmHi all,
As French can I advise you if you would like to spend some time in my beautiful country 🙂 Accessibility in general depends mostly on where you’re going, even if effort are made.
Feel free to ask me questions if you need!
azaleeboy replied 6 years, 6 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies- 7 Replies
What city in the south of France is the most accessible? Marseille or Nice?
Unknown Member
MemberSeptember 2, 2018 at 4:30 amDoes anyway know of good hotel with good disabled facillities in Paris?? What’s accessible like in Paris??
In addition to @Emilie, @sarahpoitras who runs https://www.accessibleitineraries.com/ and Travel Breathe Repeat likely has some great insights. She has a blog on Paris as well: https://www.travelbreatherepeat.com/dont-be-intimidated-by-paris/
Hi @Jonny_Strange! What kind of things are you hoping to do in Paris?
If you are considering using a travel agent with expertise in the field, you can try Sage Travel. Even if you don’t want a package, you can look at their website and find some general tips as well.  https://www.sagetraveling.com/paris-accessible-travel
Let us know how we can help!
Getting around on public transportation in Paris can be tough in a wheelchair – the metro specifically is not fully accessible and can be difficult even for those not in a wheelchair but who are averse to many flights of stairs (like myself). The buses themselves are accessible but all the stops are not. This website looks quite helpful, though! https://en.parisinfo.com/practical-paris/visiting-paris-with-a-disability/info/guides/transport-and-disability-getting-around-paris/adapted-public-transport/adapted-buses-in-the-paris-area
There are many big streets and open areas in Paris which should have good accessibility but certain neighborhoods may be difficult to navigate including Le Marais (with its old narrow, not well-maintained streets) and Montmartre which is extremely hilly. I am not an expert on Paris hotels, but as it’s a massive city, and there are many big chains that I’m sure will have accessible rooms. I would beware of the more boutique, smaller hotels or guest houses since they may be in older buildings with less accessible accommodations. Hope that helps!
Unknown Member
MemberSeptember 10, 2018 at 11:39 pmHi @AzaleeBoy I was planning to go to the Eiffel Tower, Louvre Museum and other touristy things. Try the French food (but I don’t know how I’ll get on with this!!).
Hmmm… Doesn’t look like the Eiffel Tower is accessible past the second landing:
https://www.sagetraveling.com/Eiffel-Tower-AccessibilityThe Louvre seems to be fully accessible though! They even have a map/guide:
https://www.louvre.fr/sites/default/files/medias/medias_fichiers/fichiers/pdf/louvre-plan-visitors-mobility-impairments.pdfNot sure about the food 🙂
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