CaféTO survey on Accessibility

  • CaféTO survey on Accessibility

    Posted by Josh Grisdale on September 24, 2021 at 10:12 am

    This was in a recent Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy email and may be good for those living in Toronto:

    “In 2021, CaféTO is supporting over 1,200 restaurants this season with expanded outdoor dining space in curb lanes and on sidewalks. The City of Toronto is currently reviewing the CaféTO program. To assist with this work, CaféTO program staff are looking to better understand any barriers to accessibility that the CaféTO program may impact, and the effect that these barriers may have on people in Toronto. A new survey will help the City to better identify and understand these impacts and barriers. The survey is currently live and will be open until October 4, 2021.

    This survey is targeted to people in Toronto who identify as having a disability and/or who are impacted by barriers specifically related to the CaféTO program. The results of the survey will be used to guide the development of the CaféTO program in the future.

    A link to the survey can be found here: CafeTO Accessibility Survey. If you have any questions about this survey or require alternate options or formats for survey completion, please email [email protected]

    Josh Grisdale replied 3 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • 1 Reply
  • Josh Grisdale

    October 1, 2021 at 12:47 pm

    Glad that they are asking – always a great first step

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