Accessible Beaches
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Help Improve Australian Beach Access!
Help Improve Australian Beach Access!
Hi everyone, we’re relaying this survey because it is so important to help Beaches be more accessible and inclusive! https://cqu.syd1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2iaS8w567Vx9Dcq?
CQUniversity needs your help to improve access to patrolled beaches for everyone in Australia by participating in a survey. The information gathered will enable them to identify how beach access may be improved to promote physical activity and improved health and wellbeing throughout Australia.
(By the way, we’ve got a whole session dedicated to that on Day 4 of our Accessible & Inclusive Tourism Conference coming up in less than 3 weeks –> https://aitcap.getaboutable.com/ )
You are invited to complete the survey if you are aged 65 years or older and/or have a disability or mobility limitation and currently access or want to access patrolled beaches in Australia. If you are <18 years or are unable to complete the survey independently, a parent, guardian or carer is invited to complete the survey on your behalf.
You may complete the survey online, or over the telephone: https://cqu.syd1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2iaS8w567Vx9Dcq?
The survey will take approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.For a full participant information sheet and further information about this study, please contact Sasha Job at CQUniversity, via email s.job@cqu.edu.au or telephone (07) 4150 7702.
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