An Accessible Dog Sledding Adventure

I’ve wanted to go dog sledding for years but I’m not the type to pack my bags and head to the snow. Mostly because wheelchairs and snow don’t really mix. However, when the opportunity arose I couldn’t miss the chance to go dog sledding!

Australian Sled Dog Tours run tours at Mt Buller, a popular alpine resort in Victoria. Who knew you could go husky dog sledding in the snow in Australia, right?

When we arrived we were greeted by dozens of gorgeous huskies and a stunning view over Mt Buller. It was magic!

When it was my turn to go dog sledding my friends lifted me from my wheelchair onto the sled. The Australian Sled Dog Tours team were really helpful too. They made sure I was comfortable, bringing extra cushions and even creating a makeshift seat belt.

Watching the dogs get attached to the gangline was so much fun because they were so happy. It was impossible not to be super excited for the tour watching them! We took off so fast and sped down the mountain. I couldn’t believe I was really dog sledding! 

Read my full blog post (with more photos & details):

– Stacey


  1. That threw me for a loop! I was sure from the title it would have been in Alaska or Canada… certainly not Australia!
    Thanks for the great info on your blog! I love the point-of-view pic on your site – gives a great impression of what it actually felt like.

    1. I know, I was so surprised too. I didn’t realise that I could go dog sledding here in Australia until recently. I’m glad you liked the point-of-view pic, I was a bit nervous I was going to drop my camera but I really wanted to capture what I could see from the sled 🙂

      1. Glad your camera was ok 😉

        I tried this as a kid with my dog and a regular toboggan. But my dog was NOT a husky and kept coming back to me or just sitting there, or go sideways and I’d topple off. I think your experience was much better.

        How did it compare to accessible skiing?

  2. You are so right about the dogs being Happy! I went dog sledding many years ago in a hemisphere far away from Australia. well, northern Ontario Canada. The guides had to stop the dogs every fifteen minutes or so to rest. I think they would have run till they dropped. When they sensed we were going to start again they were so full of excitement and joy they lifted the sled right off the ground, the only part touching was the brake/anchor holding the back end down. And the best part is their joy is infectious. What a great time.

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