• Are there accessible taxi’s at Narita airport with ramps not lifts? Has anyone found a service that using a ramp for an electric chair not a lift? Thank you.

      • There were a couple of taxi services that replied on your last post. Honestly, the train from Narita is direct, cheap and fast. If you’re concerned about luggage, you can use Ta-Q-Bin that will ship your bags to your hotel within 12 hours.

        • There are the “JPN Taxis” that are lined up at the airport that have a ramp that comes out the side.

          However, the car is small and depending on the size of your wheelchair, you might not fit, or if you do, the number of available seats for companions will be reduced.

          If you have a compact manual wheelchair, you can face forward and have a companion beside you (and maybe one in the front passenger seat. For myself, I have an Invacare power wheelchair, and can only fit in if I remove my headrest and they fold up the entire back seat. (Leaving room for only a companion in the front passenger seat…)

          So, a challenge, but they can be found at the airport easily.

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