• Hey everyone! I’m looking for some inspiration… what kind of content would you most like to see coming from the tabifolk social media accounts?

      Franco, Patty and tabifolk
      • How about “how to” suggestions, I.E. how to find support groups, how to find disabled travel companions, how to seek out specialized services?

      • Top 10s

        like top destinations for wheelchair users

        visually impaired

        disabled families


        reviews of hotels, also big venues like stadiums or music venues.

        Festival accessibility reviews (I volunteer 😂🤘)

        • How would you feel about submitting one or two reviews that we could then share details on?

          • @Geordie Travels It would be my pleasure, I’ve just got onto a journalism degree at Sunderland University completely retraining at 41 as I was previously a chef but it’s not a very wheelchair friendly profession unfortunately haha

            Doing some travel and event reviews would be really good practice for my journalistic writing and a nice change from more heavier subjects I often write about like politics and social issues.. I mean I love writing about those things but it can get a bit heavy so something like a festival review of blog would be great as I’m such a big live music fan. I’d be happy to chat with as it seems we are pretty close as far as geography

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