• Tahuayo Lodge, Amazon

      Hi, For those of you interested in important positive social changes, this September/October a women’s high school- to the best of my knowledge the first of its kind in this part of the Amazon- will be opening along the river. Dolly Beaver, wife of Dr. Paul Beaver, who developed the Tahuayo Lodge, has been the force behind this as well as Angels of the Amazon. Dr. Beaver has asked me to spend a couple of weeks there to write about the school’s opening days, the women who attend, their stories and the like.

      For those of you who know and love this area, this is a big step. Educating women is the first order of business in improving a community. Dolly Beaver has been a powerful supporter in this regard. She has had her share of challenges. However I look forward to writing about this very exciting development.

      The trip is from October 1 to the 10th. A trip report follows. If you know of a story that might add value to my reporting, kindly add to this thread.

      mlgb, you are very fond of Peru, your thoughts are welcomed here, crellston you too.


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